Tagged: internet marketing

Lead Funnels 0

Lead Funnels: Lessons in Leverage – Week 2

Focus and Leverage My keywords for last week were Focus and Leverage. This week the focus was lead funnels I was reminded of focus and leverage in two ways over the last couple of days. Firstly was this quote from my friend Michael Devlin from Glasgow who runs an Internet Marketing business focused on branded physical products. Hard to believe that it is over a year since we had lunch together on the shores of Loch Lomond. One of the biggest misconceptions about success online is that unless you are suffering, unless you are grinding, unless you are working every hour of every day and posting about it on Instagram or Facebook then you’re either not working hard enough or...

Internet Profits 1

Life After The Quick Start Challenge – Week 1

Introduction It has been a week since the Quick Start Challenge with Dean Holland and Craig Crawford ended. Lessons Learned The challenge was good for me because it gave me a way to come down to earth and start focusing in on  actually doing stuff from some sort of foundation and to some sort of plan. I like to think that I do have a strategic framework. It fits in quite well with what Dean Holland presented during the challenge. Here is a quick reminder of my strategic framework. Bring some combination of skills, knowledge and passion to bear into a strategic focus Choose some product focus within the strategic focus and decide what you are going to promote or...

List Building 0

Week 4: Start List Mailing

A Better Way We already know that People buy from people they know and trust In this weeks challenge we put a few more bones onto that skeleton.  We were told we really have to get people to know, like and trust us.  That feels like a lot more than just building trust.  What does it take to fulfill those three words? Know Like Trust Success is not going to come from promoting the latest, whizz-bang product that has all the features and benefits and amazing user testimonials.  Those things help but they may not be enough. The best compulsion to buy will come from the person who recommends a product with whom you have the best connection.  I know...

Shiny Object Syndrome 7

Conquer Shiny Object Sydnrome

My Shiny Object Syndrome Story I suffer from shiny object syndrome I went to my first Internet Marketing seminar in November 2011. I got a big buzz from that and could see a lot of avenues to apply some of the tools that were presented. I bought 3 packages One to help in keyword research One to help with push button site creation One to learn how to use webinars I could see exactly how those would fit in a strategy to build an Internet Marketing business. I made a good go for a while at using the push button site software and keyword research to build something of a keyword traffic engine. I never did finish. And I took...

lifestyle numbers 2

Week 2: Numbers For A Dream Lifestyle

Apology: Dream Lifestyle In Abeyance I am going to keep this really simple in a talk about dream lifestyle. I have in the back of my head the idea to write a book. It is called Spanning the Continents: The Circles of Life. I have lived in 4 continents now and worked in 5. I have ridden a bicycle in all 5 and I have spanned Australia 7 times now, all in the last 15 years. I have not had a job for 17 years. It is a long story of hard choices and that can go in the book. Making Choices for a Dream Lifestyle I have to admit that I have never set objectives for myself. Maybe I was just...