Category: IP Journey

managing wordpress security 0

Managing WordPress Security

Introduction: Managing WordPress Security I was prompted to talk about managing WordPress security a few days back when I got an email from one of my sites saying that someone had been locked out for failing to log in using a user ID that I thought was secret. A lot of the vulnerabilities around WordPress come from the code itself. According wpscan.rog, only 14% from the core code, 11% from themes and a whopping 75% from plugins. One of the threat areas has nothing to do with code at all – it is simple and brute force attacks on guessing admin ID and password. That is the place to start protecting your site. Secure admin ID is the first level...

no technical experience 1

No Technical Experience Needed

No Technical Experience Needed: Introduction No technical experience needed. There it is staring me in the face in a banner ad at the top of my blog pages. There it is sitting on the opt-in box on the right hand side of my site – No IT Skills. I have been doing affiliate marketing for a long time. I have been working with computers for a long time (since 1981 professionally). I do not know what it means to have no IT Skills. I can remember a long time ago doing a project migrating a system from one mainframe platform to another. The team was short of skills to deploy stuff needed for my project. I just grabbed a manual...

coping with depression 2

Coping with Depression: Lessons

Coping with Depression: My Lockdown Story Introduction It has been 10 weeks since my last blog post here and also on my investing blog over at Truth is I have been in a black hole coping with depression. The dates are really quite important – February 21 was the day the stock market crashed when Saudi Arabia undercut Russia in the oil markets. That plus the Covid-19 escalation in Europe brought the markets to their knees. I watched my investment portfolios wipe out more value than I used to earn in a year when I was still working (now 20 years ago). I got the same feeling that I felt in March 2009 when Lehman Brothers collapsed and the...

using PLR 4

Using PLR

Introduction: Using PLR Over the last few weeks I have been promoting some PLR materials – from one supplier whose stuff I like, Alice Seba. I came across a statistic that says that more than 90% of PLR buyers never use what they have bought. Now I have bought quite a lot of PLR in my time and I am on a few recurring memberships where PLR is delivered to me monthly. I am in the 90% for sure.  Time to step up and start using PLR Two steps 1. Change it to fit your personality and your audience 2. Commit to using it soon after your buy it – like next day!! Change It For Your Audience and Style...

making video mainstream 1

Making Video Mainstream

Introduction: Making Video Mainstream Video has become mainstream but not in my world. My friend Adam Payne published a blog post filled with video statistics. Here are a few 72% of customers would rather learn about a product or service by way of video. (HubSpot) 50% of internet users looked for online videos related to a product or service they were interested in before visiting the store. (Think with Google) The average user spends over 16 minutes watching video ads every month. (Social Media Today) 78% of people watch online videos every week, and 55% view online videos every day. (HubSpot) I must have been ahead of the curve in 2014 when I said that this was going to be...