Tagged: affiliate marketing
Introduction: ConvertBox Review I was introduced to ConvertBox recently as a better than your average pop up generator. This is my ConvertBox Review Say goodbye to ugly, antiquated static popups.. That is the ConvertBox promise. I read a few reviews and saw the product in action. My friend, Adam Payne, made his own ConvertBox Review and implemented it right away on both of his websites – I don’t think he was using pop ups before. He suggested it was a no brainer – that was enough to get me looking more deeply The problem with pop ups is they are not very intelligent. They do work – 3% conversions tell me they work. But the problem is your visitors keep...
Introduction: Get Creative Stay Focused PLR Tiffany Lambert has been writing PLR for years – I have been a member of her Lifetime PLR group since 2015. One thing you can be sure about is, Tiffany has the right mindset to keep going in her business – not just going but also succeeding. Her latest PLR is all about Focus and Creativity. As we slide into month two of 2021, we know that we all have to do something different for a better 2021. The best path is going to be taking your own path. This a quick review of Get Creative Stay Focused PLR Now that is going to take some bold steps and two things will be key...
Healthier Habits Made Simple PLR Review: Premium PLR Reports We have just passed the start of 2021. This is the time for making resolutions and the most commonly set resolutions are around weight loss and health. Weight Loss is a huge niche. Search Amazon and you will find over 100,000 titles alone. Search Google and you will find 1.4 billion articles – that is one for every 6 people. “Weight loss” as a keyword ranks high in competition on Google and will cost A$1.18 per click and 3 times that if you want top of page. Now is the prefect time to think about Healthier Habits Made Simple PLR We all know that most resolutions bite the dust by the...
Weight Loss Made Simple PLR Review: Premium PLR Reports Weight Loss is a huge niche. Search Amazon and you will find over 100,000 titles. Search Google and you will find 1.4 billion articles – that is one for every 6 people. “Weight loss” as a keyword ranks high in competition on Google and will cost A$1.18 per click and 3 times that if you want top of page. This has encouraged a shed load of people to write PLR in the niche. Make Money Online is like that too – most of the PLR is rubbish. Introducing Weight Loss Made Simple PLR Kevin Fahey has made a reputation as the master of Internet Marketing Checklists. This year (2020), he has...
Introduction: Success Driven Mindset 2021 Review Tiffany Lambert has been writing PLR for years – I have been a member of her Lifetime PLR group since 2015. One thing you can be sure about is Tiffany has the right mindset to keep going in her business – not just going but also succeeding = a success driven mindset. So when she released A Driven Mindset for 2021 Success PLR, I knew there would be good stuff inside. Today I watched a video from my partner Dean Holland. He talked about factors for success. He did not talk it off the top of his head but based it on a view of 3 of the successful partners. Below is the...