Category: Financial Freedom

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Lockdown Blues: 3 Steps for Overcoming Them

Introduction: Lockdown Blues I have been meaning to write up a post on my thoughts and experiences through the Sydney 2021 lockdowns. I can only describe it a period of lockdown blues It has taken me time to get into gear – first, as I am unvaccinated, restrictions applied a lot longer. Second, one does not feel free until there are no mandates in place, so my mind is not free. March 1 was the day mask mandates were dropped in shopping centres – March 2 was the first time I have been to the shops without wearing a mask. Key Dates: 2021 Lockdown A few dates to start. I started writing this on March 2. Now a month later...

Video Content PLR Financial Planning 0

Video Content PLR Financial Planning

Introduction: Video Content PLR Financial Planning Adam Payne has been making a solid living from video marketing for some time now. I met him in Japan in 2015 – he was going strong then and is still going strong now. Late in 2020, he sent me a survey asking if I would be interested in Video Content PLR. Roll the camera forward a bit and he has launched a new product business with the new product called Video Content PLR Financial Planning. Adam teaches in his Video Marketing Insider group a clear process for video marketing. Choose a niche. Do proper keyword research. Set up and optimize your YouTube channel. Optimize each video for the keyword you are trying to...

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Basic Trend Trading

Introduction: Basic Trend Trading Who needs another article on basic trend trading? Well. A friend asked if I could help him with some cryptocurrency trading. We had a phone conversation and the big message was “keep it simple”. It was clear my friend did not have much idea about trading, about charting and about cryptocurrency. This sounds like a disaster waiting to happen – and so many times it is. Over the years, I have seen a lot of get rich quick schemes especially forex trading and more recently crypto trading.  Mostly they all skip basic trend trading as a topic. So I agreed to make a video about trend trading starting with the basics. The message was “keep it...

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Income Strategies Using Options

Introduction: Income Strategies Using Options This blog post is a departure from my normal internet marketing stuff as it is a blog post about income strategies using options. It has been a while since I wrote an investing blog. The reasons for that will become clear as you read on – March 2, 2020 it was. I was invited to speak at a New Opportunities Expo covering investing and forex trading opportunities. My chosen topic is income strategies using options. Now I have been running income strategies using options since 2016. The covid-19 induced market correction in February/March 2020 presented an opportunity to scale up the way I was using options to drive income. The expo organiser, Paul Botterill of...

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Being Productive

Actions Steps to Being Productive Have a few threads coming together on the subject of getting things done and being productive. A Being Productive Framework Last month I attended a seminar with Brendan Nichols talking about wealth management. He shared a ton of ideas on what to do. He trained with Robert Kiyosaki and his materials are strongly influenced by that. His big thesis is one needs to get your self and life organised around 4 quadrants, Money, Relational, Spirituality and Physical. Now I simplified this a bit to break my life into two compartments, Passive Income (I do not have a job so there is no direct income) and Mental Health. I wrote a little while about building financial...