Tagged: affiliate marketing

retirement savings 1

Joe Worries About Retirement Savings

Plan A for Retirement Savings Meet Joe Fretful. Joe worries about his retirement savings. You can follow Joe’s retirement savings story in the video below or read along You see Joe has been working for over 30 years on his Plan A. He is happy to see that his savings are above the national average. But he has seen reports that he needs to have $1 million saved by the time he retires. He also read that at age 50, he should have saved 6 times his average salary – around $318,000 (based on an average 50 year old’s salary). Well Joe worries that he might just not make it or have enough. US Retirement Savings Joe is not alone....

affiliate oracle review 0

The Affiliate Oracle Review – Be A Trusted Fiduciary

Affiliate Oracle Review The Affiliate Oracle is a new training program designed for Affiliate Marketers. This is my Affiliate Oracle review – a first such review for me It was developed by my friend Adam Payne, who I met a few years ago in Tokyo, Japan. My mentor, Dean Holland is always teaching that people only buy from people that they Know, Like and Trust. Well Adam Payne is one of those people. He is an Englishman – that always helps the Englishman in me. I will borrow some of his words Anyone who knows me knows that I am tired of all the gimmicks and crap that gets created and sold.  A few years ago, I’d had enough and decided...

Quick Start Challenge 3

Week 5: Quick Start Challenge Video Testimonial

One Last Challenge Week 5 has all been about traffic, paid and free.  Each week of the challenge has had set homework to complete.  This week the homework is to create a video testimonial basically designed to push participants to do the video thing. I have been doing  video for some time now and have included a few as part of my homework – no big deal then to make a video. Last Chance Saloon The Quick Start Challenge is run by Dean Holland and Craig Crawford. I suffer from Shiny Object Syndrome and as part of the cure I designed I had unsubscribed from all email lists apart from a few. One of those surviving emails came from Paul...