Category: QSC

Shiny Object Syndrome 7

Conquer Shiny Object Sydnrome

My Shiny Object Syndrome Story I suffer from shiny object syndrome I went to my first Internet Marketing seminar in November 2011. I got a big buzz from that and could see a lot of avenues to apply some of the tools that were presented. I bought 3 packages One to help in keyword research One to help with push button site creation One to learn how to use webinars I could see exactly how those would fit in a strategy to build an Internet Marketing business. I made a good go for a while at using the push button site software and keyword research to build something of a keyword traffic engine. I never did finish. And I took...

lifestyle numbers 2

Week 2: Numbers For A Dream Lifestyle

Apology: Dream Lifestyle In Abeyance I am going to keep this really simple in a talk about dream lifestyle. I have in the back of my head the idea to write a book. It is called Spanning the Continents: The Circles of Life. I have lived in 4 continents now and worked in 5. I have ridden a bicycle in all 5 and I have spanned Australia 7 times now, all in the last 15 years. I have not had a job for 17 years. It is a long story of hard choices and that can go in the book. Making Choices for a Dream Lifestyle I have to admit that I have never set objectives for myself. Maybe I was just...

Quick Start Challenge 0

Week One Digging Up Old Relics

Getting Started The week one challenge was to get focused and start blogging with a first post and maybe an About Me page The platform of choice is WordPress.  We could choose to use an existing blog or we could choose to build a new blog For me, this would be easy enough. I have quite a few WordPress blogs and I have also documented all the steps to take to build a new blog.  A domain name expert encouraged me a few years ago to grab my own domain if I could get it. I did that then and purchased and registered the .com domain for my own name. It was once owned by an English footballer who decided to...

Quick Start Challenge 3

The Quick Start Challenge

Internet Marketing Tragic I am an internet marketing addict. I suffer from shiny object syndrome. I went to my first internet marketing seminar nearly 7 years ago in November 2011. I am not really sure what I was looking for but I could smell an opportunity that leveraged my background in business and in technology. After all, my partners and I had sold our consulting business to the world’s largest web development firm in 1999 (USWeb/CKS). I had helped my clients build the first internet shopping engines in UK and in South Africa. I was an internet pioneer. I understood the ideas. I listened avidly to the presenters and I bought a few programs and I started work on nearly...