5001 Profit Producing Emails: Review
Introduction: 5001 Profit Producing Emails
Matt Bacak has been involved in the Internet Marketing industry a very long time – almost since the Jurassic era says my friend Adam Payne in his product review. I just bought his 5001 profit producing emails product – here is a review
My mentor, Dean Holland has been pushing us to find products to promote. I saw an email from Amanda Craven, one of the few lists that I have stayed on, about Matt Bacak’s Grand Finale product – 5001 profit producing emails. As I am trying to avoid shiny object syndrome purchases, I read the email and closed it. It was only when I got an email from Adam Payne saying that he had done a quick review of the product did I pay attention. One of the lessons in shiny object syndrome is to listen to only a few people that you trust. Adam Payne is one of those.
I watched Adam’s review. It was enough to tell me that the product was worth purchasing AND it might be worth giving a shot at promoting it. I went back to Amanda’s email and bought through her link – she introduced me to the idea and it seemed only fair.
I then requested an affiliate link through Warrior Plus. The launch platform includes a Facebook Group where Matt has been training people on how best to win and how to benefit from the launch momentum (my words – he uses spillover). It was his idea to share the purchase receipt. There are two key elements to winning Matt covered:
- Write a product review using good keywords (like 5001 profit producing emails)
- Offer a bonus that complements the product offer
5001 Profit Producing Emails Review Video
Following on Adam Payne’s model he teaches in his memberships, I made a review video. It is hard to do a review of a product like this as its value can only be worked out based on how you use the product. My thought was to make a video about how I might use the product and Matt’s bonuses.
I always like to take a strategic approach to things. Emails are all about words – find the profit producing click getting words. There are a gazillion things written about the best ways to put words together for selling stuff = copywriting. Copywriting is one of my interest areas and I use copywriting materials that I have as material for bonuses.
So my review video talks about copywriting – not any old copywriting but 13 copywriting ideas from 13 dead copywriters. I know that Matt Bacak, like all good internet marketers, is a student of copywriting – so 22 years of his emails adding up to 5001 emails are going to contain a lot of well learned copywriting lessons. Better than that Matt Bacak is known as the master of split testing. He will have tested his copy out with solid split testing. An email that appears in his list of 5001 emails will have been well tested. Watch the video and decide for yourself.
Those of you who watched the video will know I did walk through some of the 13 lessons in the video – here they are in their entirety with my spin on them. How far did I get in the video?
- Decide the effect you want to produce in your reader — Robert Collier: Research it and arouse them
- Show your product in use — Victor Schwab: Pretty obvious – benefits though and not features
- Open like a Reader’s Digest article — John Caples: This is hard for young people to follow. Fact based, specific, not fluffy, arouse curiosity.
- Tap into one overwhelming desire — Eugene Schwartz: Takes 1 above to a very specific level – overwhelming
- Make the advertiser the character — Maxwell Sackheim: Tell stories. Get the reader to like you and your story
- Develop a Unique Selling Proposition — Rosser Reeves: Marketing 101
- Find the inherent drama in your product — Leo Burnett: The stuff of heroes and conflict and morals and tradeoffs
- Write to one person, not a million — Fairfax M. Cone: Nowadays they call this the customer avatar – tough to do in an email
- “Reason why” copy — Albert Lasker: Show why you are best, why you should be believed and why buy now
- Go after points of maximum anxiety — Mel Martin: What keeps you awake at 3 am – those things we can solve
- Transubstantiate your product into something else — Bill Jayme: I prefer the word Transform. Get beyond features and benefits to how life changes
- Everybody in the world divides his mail into two piles — Gary Halbert: You have to get your email into the A-pile – from the get go. Matt Bacak knows how to do that.
- Do not worship at the altar of creativity — David Ogilvy: Make the message interesting – not simply creative.
How to Use 5001 Profit Producing Emails
This list of 13 copywriting ideas gives a great platform for using Matt Bacak’s 5001 profit producing emails. Work through the list – understand which of these levers Matt was using and apply it. Here are some examples:
- Pick the subject lines that talk to you – use them. Fun fact – I stopped in the scrolling in the video on a subject line – red alert. It caught my eye.
This morning (and this afternoon again) Matt Bacak sends me an email with that very subject line.
- Use swipes to educate your list: A lot of his emails are in series on specific topics – “how to win back people”; “promotion tips” are two examples. The Win Back swipes are one of the bonuses from Matt – that alone will be worth the subscription if I can win back 10% of my main list.
- Use them when you are stuck for ideas – search them; read them; copy them. I can see a bunch of Vidnami (was Content Samurai) videos coming for YouTube
Who Should Buy 5001 Profit Producing Emails?
Simple really:
- Anyone who is sending emails or thinking about building a list – use emails that work
- Anyone who is struggling to get great conversions from the emails they send (like me)
The 5001 Profit Producing Emails Funnel
How about the rest of the funnel?. The funnel has 4 elements which complement each other.
- The entry product is the 5001 profit producing emails. Product is running on a dimesale – I paid $10.42 – when I did the video the price was $15.57 – price will go up on each sale – was at $16.61 when I wrote this. I figured that if 10% of the emails are useful = 500 emails or topics – I paid $0.02 an idea – at $15 it is $0.03 an idea. All you have to do is put in the time to find a golden nugget and apply it – the cost of the product is actually irrelevant.
I know for one the first sale I got was bigger than what I paid – and the idea came from the swipes and Matt’s training. The product sells – a 10% hop conversion rate is proof enough
- OTO1 : Guaranteed Subscribers ($24.19): it is a long video that walks through a proven process. I bought it but I have not watched it yet.
- OTO2: Conversion Stacking Bootleg ($98.21): Another video training on conversions.
- OTO3: Red Hot Done For You Funnel ($197) – there is a downsell on this OTO ($97). These are website memberships where you can walk through by example to succeed in a niche area. I chose not to buy these as the niche area (Keto Diets) would just distract me from other stuff I am doing. I already own domains on Proven Weight Loss Tips and Best Low Carb Diets which I have not progressed = not a focus for me.
Bonuses to 5001 Profit Producing Emails
Bonuses are a key part of any product launch.
Matt’s Bonuses
Matt Bacak has included 3 bonuses
- Win Back swipes – 5 really practical emails
- How to write emails faster – training video from Matt Bacak
- How to write emails for a specific niche – training video from Matt’s friend Tiffany
I know the “win back” bonus will pay its way handsomely for me. 5 simple emails to reconnect with people on your lists.
Copywriting as a Bonus
The heart of internet marketing success is finding the right words to take people from cold to warm to hot as they get to Know, Like and Trust you. We call it Copywriting. Copywriting is all about finding your voice and finding your own style. Reading stuff from a range of copywriters is the best way to grow your own style. I have bundled together 4 sets of reports – some from Bret Thomson, a leading Australian copywriter, two handbooks from US copywriters and a secret bonus from my friend, Pete Godfrey, another Australian copywriter who cut his teeth in direct response advertising. Pete’s report is no longer available for sale and did sell for $297 – that is reason enough to grab your copy
Next Steps
I know you are itching to get started. Product launch was December 31, 2019 – it has begun already. Pricing goes back to $97 on January 7 – midnight – no exceptions. You can get 5001 Email Swipes by pressing the button below. Clear your cookies on your browser before you do it to make sure you can get access to my Copywriting bonus.
The video presentation contains one image that is used under a Creative Commons License. Click here to see the full list of images and attributions
The 13 Copywriting ideas are found in a CopyBlogger.com post. I copied the headlines word for word but added in my own interpretations
4 Responses
[…] is such that the product only stands if you use it well. I then added the review video into a blog post as well with the same keywords. In time, this blog post will get SEO […]
[…] review is exactly that. I have used Commission Gorilla for two recent product promotions specifically aimed at getting ready to promote my own product launch. The review video shows me […]
[…] In the video, I suggest using the search function on the topic you are writing about – like Affiliate Marketing – and pick winners that use those words or relate to a launch on the topic. The alternate is to go back to principles of copywriting and work up from there – I used that in my last review […]
[…] Now if you are struggling with your email marketing the mastermind is worth joining. I have not joined it as timezone differences make it really hard for me to attend the sessions live. The teaching is in small groups so that Matt can focus in on helping you with your specific challenges and create solutions that work. If your membership straddles one of the product launches, you will learn even more as your support the launch. I know I did with the 5001 emails launch […]