Tagged: memberships

building membership site 4

Building Membership Site

Introduction to Building Membership Site Over the last few weeks, maybe even months, I have been working through in my head how to put together strategy for building membership site. There have been a few threads to the thinking  A unique way to offer bonuses on affiliate offers. I have been pushing a few offers and have added in bonuses – nothing is really zinging just yet. I know that membership sites can be really profitable. This was confirmed to me in emails I have received from Promote Labs who have a few membership sites. In fact they have 15 years of experience building, running and marketing dozens of different membership sites (their words)  A membership site is a good...

using PLR 4

Using PLR

Introduction: Using PLR Over the last few weeks I have been promoting some PLR materials – from one supplier whose stuff I like, Alice Seba. I came across a statistic that says that more than 90% of PLR buyers never use what they have bought. Now I have bought quite a lot of PLR in my time and I am on a few recurring memberships where PLR is delivered to me monthly. I am in the 90% for sure.  Time to step up and start using PLR Two steps 1. Change it to fit your personality and your audience 2. Commit to using it soon after your buy it – like next day!! Change It For Your Audience and Style...