Tagged: investing

basic trend trading 0

Basic Trend Trading

Introduction: Basic Trend Trading Who needs another article on basic trend trading? Well. A friend asked if I could help him with some cryptocurrency trading. We had a phone conversation and the big message was “keep it simple”. It was clear my friend did not have much idea about trading, about charting and about cryptocurrency. This sounds like a disaster waiting to happen – and so many times it is. Over the years, I have seen a lot of get rich quick schemes especially forex trading and more recently crypto trading.  Mostly they all skip basic trend trading as a topic. So I agreed to make a video about trend trading starting with the basics. The message was “keep it...

income strategies using options 2

Income Strategies Using Options

Introduction: Income Strategies Using Options This blog post is a departure from my normal internet marketing stuff as it is a blog post about income strategies using options. It has been a while since I wrote an investing blog. The reasons for that will become clear as you read on – March 2, 2020 it was. I was invited to speak at a New Opportunities Expo covering investing and forex trading opportunities. My chosen topic is income strategies using options. Now I have been running income strategies using options since 2016. The covid-19 induced market correction in February/March 2020 presented an opportunity to scale up the way I was using options to drive income. The expo organiser, Paul Botterill of...