Tagged: internet marketing

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Copywriting Lessons

Introduction: Copywriting Lessons Some time ago I got an email from Ryan Deiss from DigitalMarketer.com with subject line What is Copywriting? The email was written by Ben Griffin, primary copywriter at DigitalMarketer. His blog post is chock full of solid copywriting lessons.   This got my attention because one of the early “business in a box” ideas I implemented was on the subject of copywriting – sharing materials from Bret Thomson, a leading Australian copywriter. Copywriting Defined Now I did read the blog post. I must say I thought it could have been a whole lot better. It just seems to ramble along in a train of thought sort of way. Now there are some key messages starting with what...

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Page Builder Lessons

Page Builder Lessons: Introduction How many landing page builders does one need? At last count I had bought at least 4.  I am not sure I am the right person to ask as I have a bought a few over the last few years and not really got to grips with any of them – until recently that is. Lack of success is often a good way to learn – I do have some page builder lessons. I am not sure if I can even remember why I bought some of them but here goes. First a bit of a step back in time. From Clunky HTML to WordPress Blogs My website building journey started with HTML. I used to...

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Blogging Lessons

I Want to Blog? My Blogging Lessons Applied A friend posted on Facebook that she wanted to start a blog. “Can anyone recommend a good place to start?” Blogging Lessons time. I was quick to respond with my two cents worth from my blogging lessons and with an offer to get started. Best place to start is to write your story in your name – commit to writing stuff once a week. Best advice is to run and own your blog in your own name. I am happy to get you set up and started – all you have to do is commit to writing. I know you have a lot to say and are dying for a voice. The...

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Building Teamwork

Building Teamwork In my last blog post I wrote about two key things Managing Frustration Consistency and Focus This post is about Building Teamwork but first is story time Tracking Back How does the scorecard look since I wrote that? I have just not been good at getting back on the horse. The black dog of depression has been having its day. My wife and I had a trip to Europe planned for July. My thought was I could find time to keep the Internet Marketing and investing activity ticking along while we were travelling. I decided to just take a break and focused in on the travel and the friends and the family. I did do a little investing...

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Managing Frustration

Lessons in Managing Frustration The last two months since Twitter shut down my ads account has been a huge struggle. Only when I step back to write about it do I figure out it has all been about managing frustration. At nearly 63 years old, you would have thought I had this stuff figured out. My investing coach always used to say Keep doing what is working and stop doing what is not Booting Twitter Ads Twitter was giving me a strong message that something was not working. The hard part is that they do not give you any details. They just shut you down. In my last blog post, I laid out some options, one of which was to...