Tagged: make money online
Introduction: Membership Massacre Review Kam Jennings has been doing membership sites for quite some time. He has just launched a new product about building membership sites – this is my Membership Massacre Review His style is quite different to many of the successful marketers out there. He is all about finding quick and easy ways to do stuff. I will borrow one of his acronyms – ETV. Easy Time Friendly Value for Customers Do stuff that is easy and time friendly that delivers value to the customer. It reminds me a bit of Kevin Fahey and the Easy Repetitive System – make something once and repurpose it for other things Membership Massacre is exactly like that. Kam lays out a...
Introduction: Traffic Five review Welcome to my Traffic Five review. Kevin Fahey has become a master at product launches with a range of products covering software and information products and private label rights products. He has launched 2 7-figure businesses and one 6-figure business. In this new product, The Traffic Five he steps back from products to talk about traffic – he presents 5 traffic strategies that have worked for him. I bought the product – here is my receipt – and spent an afternoon skimming through the training. The 5 traffic methods Kevin Fahey covers are Free WSO Offers Solo Ads – the Kevin Fahey way Traffic Co-ops Product Launches 3 in 1 Evergreen Strategies Rather than tell...
Introduction: Easy Repetitive System Welcome to my Easy Repetitive System review. Kevin Fahey has become a master at product launches with a range of products covering software and information products and private label rights products. He has launched 2 7-figure businesses and one 6-figure business. In this new product, The Easy Repetitive System he brings together the approach and processes that have allowed him to launch more than one product every month for month after month. His real hallmark products are the Internet Marketing (IM) Checklists of which there are 44 all released in the last 2 and a half years or so. Creating Easy Repetitive System Review Kevin gave me review access to the front end product as I...
Introduction: Video Content PLR Video Marketing Adam Payne has been making a solid living from video marketing for some time now. I met him in Japan in 2015 – he was going strong then and is still going strong now. Early in 2021, he launched the first in his Video Content PLR series – this is the fifth offering on the topic of Video Marketing I must say I was a little surprised that Adam waited for the 5th product in the series to do one on Video Marketing. This is what he does to make a living. I guess he was using his proven process to create products in other niches first. Why Video Marketing? Some Stats Video is...
Weight Loss Made Simple PLR Review: Premium PLR Reports Weight Loss is a huge niche. Search Amazon and you will find over 100,000 titles. Search Google and you will find 1.4 billion articles – that is one for every 6 people. “Weight loss” as a keyword ranks high in competition on Google and will cost A$1.18 per click and 3 times that if you want top of page. This has encouraged a shed load of people to write PLR in the niche. Make Money Online is like that too – most of the PLR is rubbish. Introducing Weight Loss Made Simple PLR Kevin Fahey has made a reputation as the master of Internet Marketing Checklists. This year (2020), he has...