Tagged: list building

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Case Study: Email Engagement Strategy

Introduction: Email Engagement Strategy Launch of Newsletters on Substack from Kam Jennings got me thinking about blogging and email and newsletters. I have a business problem – my list is not engaged. So I need an email engagement strategy. Can I use a newsletter to address this? Have I got what is needed? Here goes with some thinking out aloud Regular Content: Blogging Track Record I have been writing a blog in different forms on a fairly regular basis for quite some time. I have this blog – though I do not post here very often – say twice a month. This is mostly about my affiliate marketing journey with a little investing stuff too. I publish more regularly on a...

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Find Free Affiliate Marketing Giveaways

Introduction: Free Affiliate Marketing Giveaways In affiliate marketing, there are two key places  where giveaways are essential.  Prospects do not buy straight off a link or a recommendation. They need to be warmed up to grow to know, like and trust you and your offer.  For this you need to build an email list. A giveaway is the key to get people to opt in. Affiliates are competing with each other for attention on the same offers – offering a bonus is a key way to differentiate your particular offer. Giveaways are central to that. The challenge is is it possible to find free affiliate marketing giveaways? Last time I set out ways to start affiliate marketing free. I highlighted...

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Start Affiliate Marketing Free

How To Start Affiliate Marketing Free I was chatting with Paul Okeefe the other day about the state of Internet Marketing. Paul has been involved in this industry for a very long time and is one of the few stalwarts who is still around – in my Inbox too. He said that the current Covid-19 world had put a lot of people under serious pressure.  No longer is it easy to sell stuff. Everyone wants FREE. He was working out ways to help people to start affiliate marketing free – some of the ideas are his. I sent out an email to my list after that with the subject line Being Free. My open rate jumped from 1% to a...

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5001 Profit Producing Emails: Review

Introduction: 5001 Profit Producing Emails Matt Bacak has been involved in the Internet Marketing industry a very long time – almost since the Jurassic era says my friend Adam Payne in his product review. I just bought his 5001 profit producing emails product – here is a review My mentor, Dean Holland has been pushing us to find products to promote. I saw an email from Amanda Craven, one of the few lists that I have stayed on, about Matt Bacak’s Grand Finale product – 5001 profit producing emails. As I am trying to avoid shiny object syndrome purchases, I read the email and closed it. It was only when I got an email from Adam Payne saying that he...

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Page Builder Lessons

Page Builder Lessons: Introduction How many landing page builders does one need? At last count I had bought at least 4.  I am not sure I am the right person to ask as I have a bought a few over the last few years and not really got to grips with any of them – until recently that is. Lack of success is often a good way to learn – I do have some page builder lessons. I am not sure if I can even remember why I bought some of them but here goes. First a bit of a step back in time. From Clunky HTML to WordPress Blogs My website building journey started with HTML. I used to...