Tagged: internet marketing
Introduction: Finding Affiliate Marketing Products Affiliate marketing is all about promoting someone else’s products. In this blog post, I will walk through, step by step, the process of finding affiliate marketing products to promote – especially good if you are a newbie to finding affiliate marketing products . There are two important parts to finding affiliate marketing products Find where the product creators hang out Make sure you are promoting quality products and vendors. Affiliate marketing is a long game in which you are trying to build trust with your prospects. It does not work well to burn that trust with inferior product or with a dodgy vendor. When they let your prospect down, you also let your prospect down....
How To Start Affiliate Marketing Free I was chatting with Paul Okeefe the other day about the state of Internet Marketing. Paul has been involved in this industry for a very long time and is one of the few stalwarts who is still around – in my Inbox too. He said that the current Covid-19 world had put a lot of people under serious pressure. No longer is it easy to sell stuff. Everyone wants FREE. He was working out ways to help people to start affiliate marketing free – some of the ideas are his. I sent out an email to my list after that with the subject line Being Free. My open rate jumped from 1% to a...
Introduction: Using PLR Case Study It was a busy weekend around my birthday. That stole time to make a product review video for Alice Seba’s Marketing Must Haves PLR. I have made a Using PLR Case Study instead. I started to follow the steps in the Affiliate Marketers Mastery PLR checklist that I wrote about last time. 1. Buy the product – here is my receipt shown below 2. Use the product. 3. Write a review. Early Action Steps Well that is where time got in the way. I did download the front end product. I looked through all the elements and I started to do some work. The core of the product is a series of reports on...
No Technical Experience Needed: Introduction No technical experience needed. There it is staring me in the face in a banner ad at the top of my blog pages. There it is sitting on the opt-in box on the right hand side of my site – No IT Skills. I have been doing affiliate marketing for a long time. I have been working with computers for a long time (since 1981 professionally). I do not know what it means to have no IT Skills. I can remember a long time ago doing a project migrating a system from one mainframe platform to another. The team was short of skills to deploy stuff needed for my project. I just grabbed a manual...
Introduction to Building Membership Site Over the last few weeks, maybe even months, I have been working through in my head how to put together strategy for building membership site. There have been a few threads to the thinking A unique way to offer bonuses on affiliate offers. I have been pushing a few offers and have added in bonuses – nothing is really zinging just yet. I know that membership sites can be really profitable. This was confirmed to me in emails I have received from Promote Labs who have a few membership sites. In fact they have 15 years of experience building, running and marketing dozens of different membership sites (their words) A membership site is a good...